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The Scenic Route

Writer: Dericka Canada CunninghamDericka Canada Cunningham

Dericka Canada Cunningham, GBW Founder

June 12, 2023

This Week's Anchor

Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today,

so that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land the Lord

promised on oath to your ancestors.”

Deuteronomy 8:1 (NIV)


Most of us can relate to those frustrating moments in life when our well-curated agenda gets shaken up by an unexpected change in travel plans. Whether it’s caused by timely traffic, inescapable construction, or uncontrollable air traffic delays, being re-routed can be inconvenient at best and a complete nightmare at worst. Our frustrations with these unforeseen changes are usually derived from our very high (and sometimes unrealistic) expectations and desires for things to consistently go as planned. In fact, we live in a world that craves quick outcomes and promotes making it from point A to point B in the least amount of time. However, despite our plans, itineraries, and routines, God sometimes has a different path for us, and if we trust Him in the journey, we can be pleasantly surprised.

I had an interesting experience recently that God used to meaningfully remind me of this. It was a typical workday, and as usual for nice and warm weather days, I decided to get some fresh air and take a stroll to the Starbucks near my job during my lunch break. For those who know anything about the weather in the northeast, considering our brutal Winters, when the weather heats up, we get out! Thus, I headed on my normal route with much excitement to engage in some much-needed outdoor self-care. As I approached the path that connects our campus to the local community, I noticed signs that indicated construction on the walkway and designated a detour to get to the other side. On most days I would welcome a longer walk; however, this was a day that I was hoping to make a quick trip into town, so I met this detour with a bit of reservation. Nevertheless, I persisted. I followed the detour signs and realized that, per usual, the signs were not signing, and didn’t provide clear direction. So, I was left to my intuition to carry me through and at this point, I was fully on the scenic route to who knows where.

With the little familiarity I had, I approached a path that looked like it could get me to where I needed to go. I walked down it a bit only to begin to question if I made the right choice due to the path's disheveled appearance. “Certainly, this couldn’t be the right way”, I thought to myself. In response, I turned back and chose a different way. As I made my way down the second alternate route, I noticed the end of the first path right in front of me…I made the wrong choice. The first path was the right path after all, and I added extra time to my journey due to my lack of trust in my gut. At this point, disappointment evolved into frustration, and I was completely confused regarding if or when I would make it to my chai tea latte.

Nonetheless, I continued this detour-turned-unplanned voyage feeling the mounting stress of delayed timing well up inside of me. As I rushed on, I heard a voice within me nudging, “Slow down.” I obliged and reduced my pace, reminding myself that I would get where I need to be when I got there. As I became more present, I connected more with the nature around me. The sunlight on my face suddenly felt invigorating. The soft breeze against my skin felt reassuring, and my ears perked up to the sound of trickling water. I continued walking and noticed the most beautiful waterfall flowing into a peaceful stream. “I didn’t even know this was here”, I said to myself. And in that moment, I became overwhelmed with gratitude. “Thank you, God”, I sighed. It was as if all the stress and worry from the detour, day, and week, rolled off me at once. It was just what I needed, and I was truly grateful.

I finally reconnected with my normal path and made my way to Starbucks, and in true therapist form, I began to process my experience with myself (and God). I thought about how this detour ended up being the best thing that could’ve happened to me, despite my initial resistance. Not only did I discover beautiful scenery, but I was provided with the unexpected opportunity to connect with God and ground myself through mindfulness. I also reflected on why I didn’t initially trust my detour-discernment and how this experience was another lesson to trust God’s voice, even in seemingly mundane things. Wrapped up by thinking about the whole process of being re-routed, and of course, this simple workday moment revealed more to me regarding our personal and spiritual lives. For instance, I pondered on the sobering reality that sometimes God calls us down the paths less traveled in life. Whether it's a change or setback regarding your career/job, education, finding a partner/starting a family, moving away/returning home, physical/mental healing, resolving interpersonal relationships, starting a business, and/or launching a ministry, it can seem incredibly inconvenient to be re-routed. The detour often doesn’t make sense, takes more time, and causes additional delays. And it can be downright confusing and frustrating. It’s okay to admit it because God can handle our authentic human emotions as we wander about this thing called life and try our best to live out His purpose.

Despite the challenges of the longer route, God does some amazing things on these unlikely paths. Not every venture is meant to be quick, and usually, the biggest life lessons are nestled in the journey and not the destination. No matter how we slice it, we can’t rush God’s process, but we can rest assured that the return He provides for our presumed inconveniences is much greater than we could ever expect. Our anchor scripture reminds us to be intentional about following God’s commands (including the unconventional 0nes) in faith that we will abundantly live and inherit God’s promises for us. God’s scenic routes might not be the fastest, but when we follow them they often offer us more than we ever knew we needed.

What God’s Detours Can Provide Us in Our Lives:

His Presence—God doesn’t send us wandering down uncharted winding roads alone. He guides us and travels alongside us on our journey. Therefore, life’s detours provide us with additional opportunities to connect with God.

Better Views—It’s difficult to see things clearly in the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives. However, when we are slowed down by detours, we are often provided with a different perspective that brings with it welcomed clarity and a more profound sense of understanding regarding God’s purpose for us.

Unteachable Learning—As I often tell students and supervisees, some life lessons can’t be taught but have to be experienced. Our seemingly inconvenient journeys often carry important life instructions and skills that are useful for the destinations we are seeking. Unplanned challenging seasons are the breeding ground for meaningful and sometimes life-saving wisdom.

Humbling Surprises—Plans and routines are great, but spontaneity can fuel creativity and provide unsuspecting moments, connections, and inspirations that can change our lives. When we slow down and take the road less traveled, we are often left in awe of God and everything He has created. If we aren’t careful, we can miss the remarkable joy and peace that come from living in the moment—whatever moment God has guided us to.

We often find ourselves on unlikely paths by the direction of the Holy Trinity; however, not only can we be willing to follow God when He leads us on a different path, but we can also intentionally choose to take the scenic route in our everyday lives to invite God’s presence and inspiration in our lives. This might be as simple as exploring a new route to work, taking a long walk on our lunch break, traveling by bike or train/subway vs. driving, adding stops along trips, or curiously exploring new places and spaces in our local communities.

As we enter this week, let’s make it our intention to slow down and respond to life’s unexpected detours, big or small, curiously, and willingly. May we find worthwhile surprises on unsuspecting journeys and invite the extraordinary beauty of God’s scenic routes into our lives.



  • What is resonating for you about this scripture and/or this devotion?

  • What do you need from the Holy Trinity to help you embrace life’s detours?

  • What intention(s) do you want to set to connect and/or reconnect with being grounded this week?

Related Scriptures to Ground You Through this Week

  • Deuteronomy 8:1-20

  • Psalm 16:1-11

  • Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Jeremiah 6:16

  • Matthew 7:13-14

  • Romans 5:1-11

My Through-the-Week Reflection Guide


A Song of Inspiration


Quote of Love & Liberation

“May you receive the wisdom, strength, and courage to

overcome the barriers blocking your divine purpose.”

Thema Bryant-Davis


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